A few days ago Richard Moore, CEO of Mercuri Urval (Executive Search and Leadership Advisory), published an article on how to find and attract the best leaders.
„As Boards and CEOs, the task is clear: To lead organizations that will outperform. As the success of organizations relies on effective leaders, it stands to reason that searching for them and attracting them is extremely important.
Apple founder and former CEO, Steve Jobs put it simply: ‚Go after the cream of the cream‘. But once you know which leaders represent ‘the cream of the cream’ for your business how can you find and attract them?“
Richard Moore names 5 parameters:
1. Define what you want the candidate to be able to do and how this might evolve
2. Set out what performance evidence and predictors you will be looking for in a candidate
3. Review the candidate market
4. Ensure that you consider each potential candidate objectively
5. Be clear about what you are offering the candidate and why they would find it attractive.
Some of the points can also be taken over in interim management. However, interim management has three decisive advantages compared to executive search:
1. Speed
2. Flexibility
3. Operational management experience that can be used immediately instead of future potential.
Interim managers are often brought in to establish a new position (changing the firm) until it is taken over by a permanent, permanent manager (running the firm). Not only for bridging a vacancy.
What are your experiences?
#business #leadership #executivesearch #ceo #interimmanager #interimmanagement #leaders #recruiting